New in December

for NUM 720, 750, 760
Art.-Nr. EP00852400
At once available!

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EasyTFT is Quality "Made in Germany"
Since over 15 years, T2M2 offers company-specific solutions for replacement monitors for industrial and building automation. Our label „easy TFT“ stands for quality standards of replacement monitors, which are geared to the requirements of modern TFT technology with well-engineered plug & play features. Easy TFT also stands for quality "Made in Germany". Replacement monitors with the easy TFT-label are proofed in a 24h-Burn-In-Test, they have low emissions and satisfy by an excellent display quality. According to the CE-label, our monitors fulfill all security requests of the European Union.


„easyTFT“ von T2M2 – really easy!
Don't be shy of contact us.:
Phone  +49(0) 641 96221-0  or